Tag Archives: free workshop

Reclaim Your Life & Body! 5 Day Challenge

Reclaim Your Life IG

Reclaim Your Life! So many of us women are caught up in the “busyness” of day-to-day life that we’ve lost touch with our dreams and our intuition. Instead of experiencing joy, we are in a constant state of overwhelm and burnout.

We have an epidemic in our culture where “stress” has become our normal state of being.

Not only is this terrible for our overall health (mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically), but YOU DESERVE BETTER! I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but…You Can’t Pour From an Empty Cup!

In the wise words of Ella Fitzgerald, “Somethin’s Gotta Give!”

Whether you are suffering from BURNOUT because you’re overworked, FATIGUE from overwhelm, “MOMMY-BRAIN” from always mult-tasking and sleep-deprivation, or a LOSS of HOPE in your life, THIS CHALLENGE WAS MADE FOR YOU!

I want to give you tools to help you expand time, increase energy, tap into your intuition and potential, and get back to LIVING A LIFE YOU LOVE in a BODY YOU LOVE! 

Ready to Join my 5 Day Challenge? What are you waiting for?!
We start Monday!

One more thing! Please like and SHARE this page on your favorite Social Media platform!

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Fall Into Ease: Free Talk in Lander, WY

October 21. 2017Fall Into Ease

Why do we often seem to make life harder than it needs to be?
We push ourselves too hard to produce. We try to fit too much into each day, live up to the expectations that we “think” others have for us, and then there’s FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out).

After all of THAT, there’s absolutely NO TIME left for YOU. Sound familiar? We all do it. That’s why I’m giving this talk. I want to share with you SIMPLE, EASY ways that the wisdom of Ayurveda can help bring more Ease & Energy into your life!

In this Free Talk, I’ll be giving tips on How to Nourish Yourself for More Energy & Mind/Body Ease. If you suffer from Auto-Immune issues, Chronic Fatigue, or if Stress and Overwhelm are part of your daily life, THIS IS FOR YOU!

In addition to Ayurvedic wisdom, there will be healthy seasonal snacks and beverages, awesome freebies, and a giveaway to look forward to! I hope to see you there!

What: Falling Into Ease
When: Saturday, October 21st at 10:00am
Where: Sweetwater Wellness, 628 Main St, Lander, WY


Chances are, you know someone who would benefit from this event. Please use the SHARE buttons below to let others know!

Real Freedom + Invitation

More and more, I’m wanting STRUCTURE in my life. I’m seeing how all of the “freedom” I’ve upheld as so important for most of my life, has actually been HOLDING ME BACK!
Thank You!

^ WHAT?! How did I miss this life memo? ^

I’ve been hearing it all along, but I believed structure threatened my precious freedom. Little did I know it was the thing I was missing — the thing that would prove to be the container for the freedom I craved so much!

So now the question is…Am I willing to commit to following through with actions that I deem necessary for the results I want, EVEN when I don’t want to do them in the moment?

Is it just me, or is it so much easier to feel inspired to wake up before the sun rises the day before than when the alarm goes off?

Are you interested in learning how you can set yourself up for SUCCESS to…

  • lose weight
  • eat healthy
  • have more energy & clarity
  • reduce stress in your life
  • _________________________ (fill in your own)?

ME TOO!!! Last year I was at the end of my rope with being FED UP with consistently NOT living up to the potential I felt was mine (as a human, a mother, a teacher, etc.), not following through with what I knew was in my best interest, and not being happy in my mind/body/life. I made a choice to try a different way. I found a teacher and a tribe of like-minded folks, and I invested in my SELF.

That choice has proven to be one of the BEST decisions I’ve EVER madeThat’s why I’m sharing my journey with YOU! I want to Invite YOU to START NOW! Next Week I’m going to be Leading a Group of Beautiful, Like-Minded Souls on a Journey — Your Health (r)Evolution!

For 5 days I’ll be sharing personally with you about my struggles and what habits have gotten me from there to where I am NOW. You’ll get daily emails, videos, and tips about healthy living, including HOW TO:

  • Tune into your Inner Wisdom
  • Age More Gracefully
  • Cultivate a solid Self-Care Routine
  • Make Better Eating/Lifestyle Choices
  • Reduce Stress

And it’s FREE! Sign Up for Your Health (r)Evolution! Click HERE!